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Introduction of a new online booking system (Prenota on-Line) from October 12th 2015

From October 12th 2015, a new online booking system for requesting consular services to the Italian ‎Embassy‬ in ‎Seoul‬ will enter into force. The system, called “Prenota On Line”, will be addressed to the Korean citizens as well as to foreign citizens who are resident in ‪#‎Korea‬. The online booking system will be available in three languages: Italian, English and Korean.

In order to request a consular service, the applicants are requested to register their credentials and then to make a reservation for a specific consular service (visa, legalization, declaration of value, etc.). Once the reservation is made and the receipt generated by the system printed, the applicants have the possibility to go to the Embassy of ‪Italy‬ and request the service they booked for.

Therefore, from October 12th 2015, no service will be provided to those who did not register in the online booking system and consequently show the receipt at the entrance.

The applicants are requested to book the consular service in advance, due to limited number of appointments allowed. Only one appointment per time is possible for each applicant.

In the next days, we will publish the link to the “Prenota On Line” system so the applicants can start booking their appointments.


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