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Pubblicazione di bando dell’Agenzia del Demanio per il recupero di beni immobili dello Stato (I): Fari, Torri e Edifici Costieri

L’agenzia del Demanio ha pubblicato il bando nell’ambito delle attività di attrazione degli investimenti dall’estero.

“Fari, Torri ed Edifici costieri’ è un progetto con focus specifico sulle località marine e costiere, nato nel 2015 s impulso dell’Agenzia del Demanio. Il progetto punta alla promozione del turismo sostenibile e allo sviluppo sociale e culturale di aree marine d’interesse attraverso una forma di partenariato pubblico-privato. I beni individuati sono affidati, anche a soggetti con sede legale all’estero, in concessione/ locazione di valorizzazione, con un canone a offerta libera (diversa da zero), per una durata da 6 a 50 anni. La scadenza del bando è il 27 novembre 2018.

Per maggior informazioni si rimanda ai documenti allegati (Portafoglio 2018, Guida ai Bandi,Guida al Piano Economico Finanziario) e alla pagina web dedicata.


English Version

LIGHTHOUSES, TOWERS AND COASTAL BUILDINGS is a new network project launched by the State Property Office (Agenzia del Demanio) that started in 2015. The project aims at renovating and reusing public properties located along the coast for tourism and cultural purposes, in line with the principles of sustainable tourism linked to the culture of the sea and respectful of the landscape, the territorial identities and environmental ecosystem, and involving some of the most extraordinary coastal territories in Italy.

The project is open to all operators, without any age restrictions, who can develop a tourist-based project with considerable potential for the territories and for the benefit of the whole community, within a public-private partnership framework. The procedure is through calls for bids or tenders for the concession/lease for valorization of public buildings and properties up to 50 years. The aim is to start up activities that encourage the networking of sites of historical-artistic importance and appeal in terms of the landscape. This means improving their public use and creating a network that allows developing a tourist reception model intended not only for accommodation/holidaying purposes but also in relationship to activities of a socio-cultural nature, of discovering the territory and promoting local products.

It is possible to participate in the calls from 27 July 2018 to 27 November 2018. At the same time, also any local institutes/agencies involved will publish calls for bidding on their own properties included in this initiative on their websites. For more information, you can refer to the attached documents (The 2018 Portfolio, Call for Bids Guide, Financial Business Plan Guide) and visit the dedicated website.


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