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Conferenza Internazionale “140 Anni di Relazioni Italia – Corea : 1884-2024”


Conferenza Internazionale “140 Anni di Relazioni Italia – Corea : 1884-2024”

📍 Dove: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul

🕒 Quando: Giovedì 5 dicembre 2024 dalle 9:30 alle 16:10

Celebra insieme a noi i 140 anni di relazioni Italia-Corea! 🎉🇮🇹🇰🇷

Ripercorreremo le tappe più salienti dei nostri rapporti bilaterali, discutendo di cooperazione politica e di sicurezza, di relazioni economiche, tecnico-scientifiche e culturali.

Un’importante iniziativa congiunta Italia-Seoul, nel contesto dell’Anno dello Scambio Culturale Italia-Corea 2024-2025.

L’evento si svolgerà in lingua inglese.

🔹 Programma:

  • 9:30-10:00: Registrazione
  • 10:00-10:30: Saluti istituzionali
  • 10:45-12:00: Panel sulla Cooperazione Politica e Sicurezza
  • 13:20-14:40: Panel su Cooperazione Economica, Scientifica e Culturale
  • 15:00-16:10: Panel su Futuro delle Relazioni Bilaterali

L’evento è organizzato dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Seul, dalla LUISS University e dalla Hankuk University of Foreign Studies e si svolge sia in Italia che in Corea.

L’edizione italiana ha avuto luogo presso l’Università Luiss il 4 novembre scorso.

Non perdere questa importante occasione per celebrare 140 anni di relazioni bilaterali e per saperne di più sul futuro della cooperazione fra Italia e Corea! ✨

RSVP Conferma la partecipazione alla mail: entro il prossimo 29 novembre.

Comunicato stampa in lingua inglese:

Official Launch of the Publication “140 Years of Italy-Korea Relations (1884-2024)”

Seoul, December 5, 2024

On December 5, 2024, the official launch event for the publication “140 Years of Italy-Korea Relations (1884-2024)” will take place at the Conference Room, 11th Fl. Main Bldg, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. This remarkable work is the result of an international collaboration between LUISS University of Rome, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, the Korea Foundation, and the Embassies of Italy in Korea and Korea in Italy. It offers a deep analysis of over a century of bilateral relations.

The publication provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted partnership between Italy and Korea, including political and security relations, economic and trade exchanges, scientific cooperation, cultural ties, and people-to-people connections. Written by distinguished scholars, the book documents the evolution and significance of the cooperation between the two nations.

The event will begin with the opening ceremony at 10:00 AM, featuring welcoming remarks by Park Jeongwoon, president of HUFS, H.E. Emilia Gatto, Ambassador of Italy in Seoul, H.E. Kwon Heeseog, Former Ambassador of Korea in Rome, 2019-22, Kim Sihong, Professor of HUFS and Raffaele Marchetti, Professor at Rome Luiss University.

From 10:45 AM to 4:30 PM, the discussion panel will explore the various topics covered in the publication. The panelists will deal with the political, economic, and cultural history of Italy-Korea relations, providing their insights into the past and future of this enduring bilateral partnership.

This initiative is part of the broader celebrations marking the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Korea—a significant milestone celebrated with a series of cultural, scientific, and artistic events designed to honor historical ties and pave the way for further collaboration.

The December 5th event will serve as an opportunity to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and explore the future of Italy-Korea relations.